Project: The Gift of Self 

I have been asked by parents and educators about constructive ideas, activities and methods for enhancing a child's understanding of the value of self, and of acceptance, not tolerance.  This craft exercise works wonderfully, particularly as a classroom or group activity.

  1. Each child must get a box, of any size, and gather items depicting and descriptive of who she/he is, and how he/she wants to present to the world. Photographs of the individual, or of any person associated with the individual cannot be used, so as to not readily give away her/his identity.
  2. Once all desired items have been found and included (at least 15), the box is then wrapped in any decorative fashion imaginable. Encourage excessive creativity! 
  3. The boxes are then brought to a group setting, with no notes, markings or signs revealing who each box belongs to.
  4. Grab-bag style, each child must pick a box that is not hers or his, open it and reveal the contents to the entire group of children gathered.
  5. The challenge is for the group to try and identify the maker of the box, by the contents alone.

The Concept Advanced

Skin is like the wrapping on a present. The real gift lies within. Get past the wrapping, and open the gift of those around you.